Just a Mama with a camera and a dream...

Just a Mama with a camera and a dream...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Normal--Business as Usual!

I'm not sure if I've said this before, but my Momma is a heaven sent. My whole family is really. This weekend has been one straight outta the "SUCKS TO BE YOU" handbook and I swear, if I needed something to work, chances are it broke. For instance, my laundry was piled to Timbuktu and as I have one load in the washer the dryer dies. Another example would be that I took the advice of a total stranger and sprinkled arm&hammer Pet Fresh ALL over my house {which you can do before you vacuum and the fresh sent sticks around but the dirt doesn't} only to plug in my practically brand new vacuum cleaner for it to have some sort of electrical failure. Seriously? What am I supposed to do with all this white powder ALL over my house? With a puppy that thinks it's free food! Luckily, while I was at my Momma's house doing laundry Jason's dad came over and fixed our dryer. Thank God. The dryer is not very old either! Jason's dad is always saving us by fixing something for us. This week it was the dryer, last week it was something for one of the vehicles. We are so lucky! Then, Jason managed to fix the vacuum while I was out and vacuumed the house before I got home.  Sometimes, I think things have to get stressful so that you can appreciate the times that things are normal, business as usual type of days. Because, really what is normal? My normal day is where nothing breaks and I work, walk the dog, edit, pay bills, run to sports and tuck my son in is far from my neighbors normal. All I know is that my "normal" is perfect and if we can just stick to the normal day to day, I'm okay with that. Somehow, this weekend that felt like it was going to crush me, turned out to be just fine. Thanks to the best family in the world! Don't get me wrong, I would be just fine appreciating the day to day without the madness that ensued this weekend but I'll take whatever I can get. Here are some pictures of Joey, my mom and myself ice skating. How many 6 year old boys can say that their Grandma is a great ice skater? She used to do tricks on the ice when I was little...Grandma...We are still waiting to see some of those tricks!!! 

The benefit to reproducing at the age that I did is that you get a Grandma who can still hang! ha!

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