Just a Mama with a camera and a dream...

Just a Mama with a camera and a dream...

Sunday, November 21, 2010

My little protector

The lack of blog posting hasn't been entirely due to laziness, though that has played a part. For the most part, I just haven't been feeling up to it. I've been feeling too tired to blog and coughing too hard to do anything but veg. So, instead I've been mixing a self prescribed dose of Sex and the City reruns, Robitussin, Kleenex and hot, very steaming hot showers. Breathing in the steam is practically heavenly to me at this point so I've certainly logged some time in my shower over the past two days. Tonight, after a busy day with an engagement shoot this morning and getting some errands checked off my Thanksgiving travel list this afternoon, I came home to a sweet little cuddle monster, Buddha. Now, the boys {human variety only, Jason and Joey} are in Ohio visiting Grandma and celebrating Uncle Michaels 21st (uhoh!) and they are due back any minute! However, after catching up on my typical blogs and reading a few emails, I started coughing and couldn't stop. I tried drinking warm water, cold water and Gatorade but I couldn't stop. I went upstairs thinking that breathing in the steam might help a bit. As I got in the shower, continuously coughing I heard a little cry outside the curtain. When I looked down, I saw the cutest little bugger ever peaking in to make sure I was okay.  He kept crying until I stopped coughing long enough to reach out and pat his head and say, "I'm okay Bu!"  It's good to know that ol' Buddha is around to check on his germy Momma while the humanboys are out. I couldn't resist grabbing my phone and snapping a picture. Of course, the steam fogged up the lens and it's not a great quality, but man o man, the puppylove is cute! 

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