Just a Mama with a camera and a dream...

Just a Mama with a camera and a dream...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Krieg Boys

 Tonight we headed out to Hartwood Acres for some family fun. Just really to walk the pup and throw the ol' pig skin around. Of course, the 4th family member(my camera) tagged along and I managed to snap a few pictures of my Krieg Boys running around with Bu. I love being able to get away with the boys and spend an hour hanging out as a family. I love that Joey is back on track with his behavior because he thinks Santa is watching...I mean, because Santa IS watching. I love that the smell of winter is in the air and that winter means teaching Joey to ski and snowball fights and building an igloo in the back yard!!  Joey smiles bigger than I've ever seen him smile when he is just playing catch with his Daddy! Which makes Jason smile, which makes me smile and hey...when we are all smiling, things simply run better! So, after the football and dog walking, we relaxed on a picnic blanket for a few minutes and tried to see if we could catch a glimpse of the Hartwood Festival of Lights going up. Success! They usually do a test run a few days before hand and since the lights officially open up on Friday, I figured it would be a good night. Check out these pictures that I took and one of the four of us that the self timer managed to catch!
Oh, Bu...please stop growing. I promise, I will find you a girlfriend dog, a bigger house and a bigger yard if you will just please, slow down! 

 How much do Joey and Jason look alike in these next two? Twins.

And, for the self timer picture...I adore how hard Joey is snuggling Buddha...even if Buddha isn't so happy about it!!!
   As for the lights, sometimes, crazy as it may seem...I just love playing with camera settings in the dark and seeing what I can capture. During our free sneak peak of the lights, while Jay was driving I let Joey snap a few pics. I love that Joey likes to play with my camera and that he plays with the settings...seriously. He gets it! He knows aperture and all the bells and whistles. Well, maybe not ALL of them. But he is six! Check out his skills!
 Joey dubbed this one..."a scribble drawing by a baby."  I don't think I could have come up with a better name!

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