Tonight we went to my cousin Eric's school football game. He was on Homecoming Court so we made the 80 minute drive to his high school and cheered him on at half time. He is the perfect example of how amazing my family is. He is the sweetest teenage boy I have ever known, hopefully Joey continues to idolize him because I know he would turn out "just right." Eric's list of achievements and involvements ran on and on. He is so well rounded too, excelling in sports, scouts, school politics, music and academics. The night made me so proud to be a part of my family. Not only my cousin Eric but his little sister Julie is so sweet to my Joey, even when she tricks him into playing the quiet game! Although Eric wasn't crowned the homecoming king, he is king in my book. Joey's too. I sneaked down to the crowd of students to snap E's picture and when they announced the homecoming king, a group of girls next to me said.."should have been Eric!" Tell me something I don't know! Nothing against the boy that won of course! I'm just playing favorites. On the way home my Grandmother was thanking my Mom and Ron for driving her out there because she just had such a "strong want to be there." She is the best. She never wants to miss an important event or an unimportant event for that matter. Again, I couldn't have a better family. Here are a few photos from tonight.
Next Friday we will head to the Talbot Tailgate. Our little Buddha is in the running to be the "honorary Talbot" and if he wins at the 1st level he will walk onto the field at half time. I mean, who could resist this face in a Hampton jersey no less? Go Buddha! Go!
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