Just a Mama with a camera and a dream...

Just a Mama with a camera and a dream...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Que Sera, Sera

" Que Sera, Sera. Whatever will be will be!" These are the lyrics to my most favorite song. My Momma used to sing it to me (and my Momma and I are EXCELLENT singers! ha!) when I was a little girl and I'm fairly certain that if I were sick or sad enough, she would bust it out again for me! At any rate, my point? Right? I do have a point. Sometimes I really think about the lyrics. "whatever will be will be." Sounds about right to me. Today was one of those, "Whatever will be will be" kind of days. Buddha was scheduled for his first haircut at 9am. Around here, we rise about 7:15 am giving me plenty of time to get the crew ready and head out to the haircut appointment. Therefore, I did not set an alarm. I was going to wing it! It was a great plan. Except, my Joey slept in. He slept in! Really Joe? You never sleep in!!!! Oh well. We missed our appointment. Great. I'm failing my 2nd born child. He'll never get a haircut.   
At any rate, that was the beginning of the day. Then we were supposed to be at the Pumpkin Patch by 11am so we would be home in time for Jason to catch the Steelers make dinner out of the Dolphins and we would have plenty of time for me to make it to my senior shoot with the gorgeous Ashlee! Instead, we got to the pumpkin patch at 1 and missing 80% of the game. However, we ran into the fantastic Linke-Kohan Family. Who Joey and I adore and Jason finally got to meet, which now he knows why Joey and I adore them so! Joey got to see his gorgeous girlfriend Sierra and I got to snap a few photos of them together. Which I truly couldn't have planned better! (No, guys. Shannon and I did not plan this!) While we were there, we grabbed lunch. Which really means, my growing child ate one of everything they sold. He had ribs, which were surprisingly fantastic and he got ALL over her shirt, for pictures-sake I was a bit distraught. He ate Pizza Bread, home made and SUPER delish. He had two bites of hot dog, two massive gulps of water and topped it off with a dessert on the way home, CANDY APPLE. (Sounds healthy, huh?)  Which left his loose tooth even more loose!  I felt this ticking time watch over my head the entire time we were at the farm trying to rush so that the Steelers wouldn't loose by some sort of conspiracy or because I broke the cycle of how Jason watches games...but I've learned! I made it home in time to re-group and make it to the senior shoot and to rock it out. I love the way the photos turned out! However, the other 2-4 photogs that crawl around my few spots are sporting cameras that come out next month and equipment that Jeremy Cowart is capable of obtaining...but I'm not. If I want to be a competitor in this market, I need to upgrade my gear which is something else I've learned today! (Can the new Canon 5D bodies come out already?)  Oh, today I have learned. I learned that "Whatever will be, will be." I have learned that you never go to a family outing and expect to get good Great family pictures while the boys in the family are trying to make it home for a football game. I have learned that my son is totally in love at the ripe old age of 6. I have learned that my family is everything and even when plans go crazy and life is completely out of our control, we can still manage to make the most of it and have a blissfully wonderful day! :) Here are some photos from today!

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