Just a Mama with a camera and a dream...

Just a Mama with a camera and a dream...

Friday, August 20, 2010


Running late, as usual. We are leaving for DC tonight to visit our amazing family there. Except, I am stuck working tonight before I go which means getting a late start. However, I am still working on laundry and packing and putting clothes away and making sure Buddha has everything he needs to stay with Aunt Allie all weekend. I'm trying to edit last nights session and photoshop is playing serious tricks on me today! I'm trying to vacuum and dust and disinfect everything before I leave. WHY do I do this?! Why do I clean the house to leave the house? I mean, spit shine! Well, I wouldn't be so stressed about it if I could figure out how to get OFF of the computer and kick this day into high gear. Specifically, walk away from Photoshop. But I am working on something and every time I think I almost have it right, I've got it wrong. Until, NOW! I've been trying for about three days to figure out how to "sign" my photographs. Harder than I thought it would be. But finally, I have figured it out and I can get off of PS for the day! I scanned in an actual signature of mine and set it to a transparent background and boom! Here is one of my first signed photographs from the shoot last night. Mission: Complete!

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