Okay, guilty as charged. Without flaw I sit down with Jason every week and watch Teen Mom. Tonight wasn't any different. I can't decide if I like it because I can (somewhat) relate to the situations that all of the moms face or if it is really just so astounding that I can't stop watching. Regardless, watching the show makes me incredibly grateful and I feel so blessed it is overwhelming. First, the show highlights the trials that each mom faces and their highs and lows. One of the girls Mother is so horrible that it has brought me to tears on more than one occasion. This girl gave her daughter up for adoption and says it is because she didn't want to bring her daughter into the house that is so completely insane. The next girl has filed charges against her Mother because she hit her so hard that her nose was broken. She then moves out of her (wealthy) Mother's house and gets her own place. She tries to sell her car on Craigslist and gets scammed out of $3000. Can't even imagine that.(and I actually sold my car on craigslist for exactly $3000.) Another girl is trying to get her GED and can't catch a break because her boyfriend is so lazy that he won't watch their child so she can take a test. Not to mention, he weighs about 400 pounds. Finally, there is a girl who I can probably most relate to who is trying to find love, family and get her degree all while her son takes center stage. Sounds familiar to me. Although I can relate to all of the struggles that they face, I really can't believe how easily my "teen mom" situation has been. Hard at times, but I have had this support system since the day Joey was born. I have been blessed with two sisters that would do anything for me, Joey and Jason. Not to mention, I have Jason's sister that loves us and has always been there for us. So, that's three sisters. I have my parents, grandmother, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. Jason's parents and his family and his family friends that are practically like family and they have all been there for us. So, sometimes when I watch this show I just freeze. I freeze because I am so shocked that I have been blessed in a way that I don't even realize until I see the way that other "teen moms" have it. I don't know what we would have done without our support system and I don't want to ever imagine it any other way. Going to bed tonight knowing exactly how blessed we are.
Just a Mama with a camera and a dream...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Teen Mom
Okay, guilty as charged. Without flaw I sit down with Jason every week and watch Teen Mom. Tonight wasn't any different. I can't decide if I like it because I can (somewhat) relate to the situations that all of the moms face or if it is really just so astounding that I can't stop watching. Regardless, watching the show makes me incredibly grateful and I feel so blessed it is overwhelming. First, the show highlights the trials that each mom faces and their highs and lows. One of the girls Mother is so horrible that it has brought me to tears on more than one occasion. This girl gave her daughter up for adoption and says it is because she didn't want to bring her daughter into the house that is so completely insane. The next girl has filed charges against her Mother because she hit her so hard that her nose was broken. She then moves out of her (wealthy) Mother's house and gets her own place. She tries to sell her car on Craigslist and gets scammed out of $3000. Can't even imagine that.(and I actually sold my car on craigslist for exactly $3000.) Another girl is trying to get her GED and can't catch a break because her boyfriend is so lazy that he won't watch their child so she can take a test. Not to mention, he weighs about 400 pounds. Finally, there is a girl who I can probably most relate to who is trying to find love, family and get her degree all while her son takes center stage. Sounds familiar to me. Although I can relate to all of the struggles that they face, I really can't believe how easily my "teen mom" situation has been. Hard at times, but I have had this support system since the day Joey was born. I have been blessed with two sisters that would do anything for me, Joey and Jason. Not to mention, I have Jason's sister that loves us and has always been there for us. So, that's three sisters. I have my parents, grandmother, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. Jason's parents and his family and his family friends that are practically like family and they have all been there for us. So, sometimes when I watch this show I just freeze. I freeze because I am so shocked that I have been blessed in a way that I don't even realize until I see the way that other "teen moms" have it. I don't know what we would have done without our support system and I don't want to ever imagine it any other way. Going to bed tonight knowing exactly how blessed we are.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Fight like a Girl
As of lately, I have had many friends, family members and co-workers facing the cancer scare and many of those going straight into battle. Never in my life did I realize how fragile life truly is. I've never hit my knees so hard and so often to pray about the health and strength of a person as I recently have and will continue to do. Think about it. Cancer is such a threat to so many and it's terrifying. I am not entirely sure what the statistics are that show those who use "natural" products and their cancer likelihood versus those that don't. What I do know though, is that Aluminum based components are linked (research to prove me right and wrong can be found here) to cancer. I also know that just about every post-pubescent armpit in America comes in contact with an Aluminum based component in their daily antiperspirant. Then, there is research stating that your cell phone can cause cancer. When I drive, I put my cell on my lap which is pretty close to my reproductive business! Most men keep their cell phones in their pocket (right by...you know what!) It seems as though there are millions and millions of factors but one with a true link is cigarettes. Scary as all of the information we are given is, I am shocked by the number of people that continue to smoke. It really does just boggle my mind. One thing is for sure, if I can prevent it.. I will try my hardest to do so. I don't want my child to have to own a T-Shirt that says "I wear pink for my Mama." I don't want to have a "memorial fund." I want to sit back, an old woman watching the next generations at play and say, "I did this." So- My "fight like a girl" is going to be fighting to get rid of the toxins and the chemicals that I have in my life that may or may not cause cancer. I'm not taking any chances. My "fight like a girl" is going to be making my vehicle a NO PHONE ZONE. My "fight like a girl" is going to be eating organic. There is nothing in this world that is more important to me than my family and I want to be here until the very end, if something unpreventable/preventable like cancer takes me or if it's old age. Tonight's photo is of my beautiful Mother. The strongest woman I know and someone I aspire to be exactly like. Also, another of my Grandmother and an aunt and my Momma. May we all be this beautiful, inside and out.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Peak Through!
Lately, I have been playing a lot with Jody's Nikon and comparing it to my Canon. While playing, I have been testing out different ways of shooting and have become moderately obsessed with capturing the image through something else. I did this a little bit with Joey's shoot. I'm hoping to have some more models soon to test out some different techniques on and try out different shooting methods. Photojournalism can be so diverse and so abstract which really gets the creativity going. Creativity is a release that I credit my sanity to. Honestly. If I don't have an opportunity to shoot, write, paint or craft during a day I feel empty and stressed. I feel on edge and like I can't turn my mind off at night. How amazing and perfect that I can have a job that lets me be creative and lets me try different things everyday! I truly am blessed!!! I know this is a short blog tonight, but this "Back to School" is catching up with me and I'm exhausted! So--Here is a little bit of what I mean by Peaking through!

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Yoga Joe
I love Saturday's. Saturday is family day, hanging out all day after Joey is finished with Hockey or Soccer. Which ever sport he is dominating in that morning! Today was hockey day and soccer! We have come to find that this is what fall will be like for us. Busy, busy. So, it's nice that Joey and I can find a little time to do one of our favorite relaxing techniques, yoga. We just unwind in the back yard and practice a few poses. He loves breathing with the zzzzzz sound(bee) and Sthhhhhh sound(snake) and I love being able to bond with my little man over something I already love. Tonight, we busted out yoga mats and blocks and this time, the camera! As we practice I have always wondered what we looked like doing partner poses. So, tonight we put the self-timer to use on my camera! Too funny! What a self timer can capture should often never be seen by anyone! Like Joey and I falling out of a few poses. Although, one pose we have been working on lately- was captured almost perfectly! Double dog is a pose that would work best if Joey and I were the same size, but I would imagine by the time Joey is my size he will be far too cool to do partner yoga with his old Momma. So, I'll settle for an unbalanced version of any pose! Double dog also works best if you give it a good foundation before adding a second person and if one partners hands are in alignment with the others. Joey and I have been working on this one and like I said, since we aren't the same size it is much harder than it should be to perfect. Here is something the self-timer caught of us getting closer to perfection on this than ever before! Along with some others of my little yogi having a fun time in the backyard!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Getting There!
Lately, the more I blog the more response I get. The more I photograph family and friends, the more family and friends seem to want me to do their photos. The more I do all of these things, the less I sleep. But, the more fulfilled I feel. I can grin and bare going to my "other" job now. I think this is mostly credited to the pent up creative juices finally having a release! Even though sometimes I feel like I am going into this blind and not very knowledgeable. I am learning so much, so fast. I've been learning from the photographer that I am working for, Jody. I am learning from other peoples blogs and I am learning from trial and error myself. I am so thankful and grateful to be working in the photography industry and doing something that I love. I'm really excited for a few workshops and classes that I have signed up for this fall. I am really searching for and would LOVE to find a workshop on posing newborns. I think that would be incredible. Sometimes looking at the work of other photogs I am inspired to do big things! Some of my favs:
Munchkins and Mohawks,
and Red Lotus Photography
There are so many more blogs that I follow but those are two of my favorite local blogs. Hopefully, soon I will be adding the website to my blog. I have so many photos that I would love to showcase and I really can't do that on my blog! So, here's to getting there. Getting to where I want my career to be and where I want to go with the gifts God has given me and my family! And to eventually, taking off the blindfold!
About Last Night---
Well, what better way to ring in the start of a new school year for your child than having a few glasses of wine with your oldest and best friend from your own school days? I can tell you. There is no better way. We laughed, we snacked, we reminisced about the past and went on and on about our future as we drank pinot and merlot. Do we sound like a couple of love birds? ha! Which is my excuse #5 for not having my blog done on time..But all of that was exactly what I needed after sending my baby off to school for the first time. And my baby, well he was in bed by 8 and passed out a few blinks after his head hit the pillow. He loved school. He said this year was already "way better than Kindergarten." He said his classroom is better and even his teacher is better. Which is absolutely untrue. His kindergarten teacher was a god-send. She was the epitome of sweetness and everything wonderful that a child needs in school and with a "one, two, three. Look and listen" she had the attention of 21 kiddos. His 1st grade teacher however, is this old woman long past her retirement year and has a temper. A temper to the point that she throws chalk at walls and dumps her student's desks if they aren't kept neat and clean. I bet that witch waits all Summer to dump a desk. Well, let me tell you. If she dumps my kid's desk, I'm dumping hers. I'll be that mom that gets the entire family kicked out of Hampton School District because I dumped a desk of a teacher that has been doing it for 30 years! Does Joey know any of this though? No. And he won't until he sees for himself, which I truly hope doesn't happen to my little man. I hope he likes his teacher all year and I hope he thinks this year is better than Kindergarten. Here is a picture of my little man, headed off to 1st Grade. What a big shot!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The One with a lot of tears...

I can't even begin to describe what tomorrow will be like. I can't begin to fathom that my little guy is headed to 1st grade. He is off to meet new kids and stand in a lunch line. He is going to have recess and homework and a heavy backpack. I truly can't believe he is 6 years old. People tell you when you have a baby not to blink because before you know it you are handing over car keys and sending your baby to college or helping them get ready for their own wedding. No one tells you that it's going to feel like a knife in your heart when that baby walks into the elementary school and looks back with a little wave(Oh.My.Gosh. What if he DOESN'T turn around and do the little wave...!?!) It feels like a knife in your heart that you have to smile through because it's such a great thing that your kiddo is off to school and is healthy and happy to be going and that we live in a country where there is an education system for the benefit of future generations! Trying to keep myself in check here! But, it's not like it hurts to watch them walk into their school, it's more like it's so amazing and beautiful and innocent that you can't breathe because they are doing it WITHOUT you! They are big enough to walk into school and stand in the school lunch line and take spelling tests and read to their class. They are big enough to remember to bring their homework home and big enough to tell you that they did "nothing" at school all day. Then you remember about the day that they were born and the first time they slept through the night. You remember the first words and the little wobbly first steps they took while smiling bigger than ever! Now, those "first steps" out of the car and onto the sidewalk leading into the school don't seem so wobbly. They seem secure and strong and ready to take on 1st grade!! They seem prepared. Then, you remember all the lessons you taught them to get them to this point and the trials and time outs and sleepless nights wondering if you were too hard on them. I can't believe that age 12 is going to come as quickly as age 6 came. This little boy who has become my whole world is going to spend 5 days a week without me, acting like a big shot and probably getting into some trouble along the way. But one thing is for sure. Tomorrow is going to be a big celebration night! Not only is Joey proud to be headed to 1st grade tomorrow, I am proud of him and I know he is going to have an amazing year! AND- for the record I will be enjoying some of those days to myself, I know. It just might take a week to get used to the quiet. Here's my favorite from his "Back to School" shoot today. He was a trooper!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The One with the ISM's
People that know me know that I make a big deal out of "lasts" and "firsts." On the last day that Joey was "5" we had a celebration. Then on the first day Joey was "6" we had a celebration. On the last day of school we have a celebration and on the first day of school we celebrate. Tomorrow, is the last day of summer before my little guy heads out to be a "grader." A FIRST GRADER! Here is why I celebrate; I once met a lady who was looking at Joey in the line at Macy's. Joey was about 2 and in rare form. He was actually the definition of HYPER. The woman must have seen the sheer panic in my eyes. However, she was so sweet to him. She asked him all sorts of questions and he answered to the best of his 2 year old ability. As he began to calm down she looked like she was about to cry. Then, she cried. She full out cried in the Macy's holiday line and people were...staring. I asked her what was wrong and she apologized a million times over and said something about her son that had passed away when he was 4. Not wanting to be nosy and make her more upset, I simply apologized to her. "He looks just like my Jakey" she said, pulling herself together. "It's only been two years and every year I think about having one more day with him." As I stood there, frozen I just thought about Joey and all of the life he has left to live and can't imagine my world without him. I started crying! A complete stranger brought me to tears in the Macy's holiday line. I gave her a hug and Joey did too. I didn't tell Joey to hug her, he just felt like hugging her.
So, now we celebrate the good days and the bad days alike. I cry on the first day of school and I cry on the last. But, we celebrate!!! Lately, I have found out just how fragile life is and how quickly things can change. We are never, ever in control of anything. It's so scary to think but keeping the bigger picture in mind brings things back into focus. So, tonight is the last non-school night before school starts on Thursday. So, since tomorrow is the last day of summer we are doing a photo shoot in the strip district, having lunch with a friend and hitting up Hampton Pool one more time. Since I have been told that 1st grade is a "Pinocchio" year- They go in BLOCK heads and come out REAL little people- I want to relish in some of the Joey-ism's that he will enter 1st grade with but his 1st grade teacher will probably rid him of.
Things Joey says:
Sassy- "Mama you are being super sassy today." He uses this when I yell.
Yiddle- "That is a really yiddle bug." He can say LITTLE but he knows I think yiddle is cuter. Wrong, I realize.
Concerned- "I'm concerned about which way is left and which is right." He means confused.
Dram-ma- "Grandma" just stuck since he was "yiddle."
My Love Bird- His true love, Sierra. A girl he met in Kindergarten.
Love Birds- "Look at those love birds over there." Anyone kissing.
Hubba Hubba- "Oh nice outfit Mama, Hubba Hubba!" Directly from Pop Pop Ron!
Putt Putt Timmy- My dad, who golfs so Joey puts a play on Pop Pop and calls him Putt Putt.
These are just a few- Most of which I hope will stay but that old first grade teacher can take care of the grammatical ones...I guess.
Just another Manic Monday
Driving home from DC we had about 100 meltdowns and 100 pit stops and 100 of the hairs on my head were pulled out because I was sure I was going to lose my mind. However, we survived. I don't think that I will ever drive for 4 hours in the car with 3 boys again. They all feed off of each others attitudes and it's a little much for me. When we finally made it home we were starving and had half of a night ahead of us. So, I decided it would be a good night for my "cooking challenge" and off I went to the grocery store to get some things. I have been wanting to try this recipe for a few weeks and since part of my cooking challenge is to cook from different cultures I figured this was the perfect opportunity. Here is the link to Middle Eastern Stuffed Zucchini. It was absolutely amazing. I don't think that I would have ever thought to put cinnamon in a recipe with chicken and garlic, onion and peppers but it was subtle enough that it was delish! I bought the Zucchini from the King's family farmers market, Freedom Farms. I love making the drive down route 8 and seeing what they have that day. I know it is fresh and organic and I love knowing that I am putting that on my table for JoeMan!! If you can, you have to check out Freedom Farms. It's owned and operated by a pretty awesome family too!
Today is Sunday!!

Again, not really. But this is Sunday's post. And what an awesome Sunday it was!! We got to spend another day with our awesome family in DC. I'm not sure we stopped moving from the minute that we woke up! We played a really cool new game that Aunt Nea and Uncle Johnny got Joey for his birthday called HedBanz which is a great game for our "gaming" family. Then it was off to the pool and home for lunch and back out for soccer and home for dinner then back out for ice cream!! Some where in there we fit in Baby JM's 1st bath in his "big boy" tub. Too cute for words! He seemed to really love it with the exception of the getting out and being chilly part! But his Mama wrapped him up and big cousin Joey picked out some cozy jammies and he was good to go! He really is such a great baby and has such an amazing Mama! I'm glad we got to spend so much time with them this weekend and I can't wait until they come to visit in a few weeks!
Today is Saturday!

Okay, so today is not really Saturday. But this is Saturday's blog. We didn't have internet where we stayed over the weekend and seeing that my phone is a not so smart phone, I took the weekend off which means playing catch-up today. Which is a good thing because I've been having bloggers brain all weekend with good ideas! The best part about this weekend was spending time with Renee and baby John Michael. We had so much fun and got in a lot of snuggle time. Baby JM even made it to the swimming pool to watch big cousin Joey in action! Let me tell you, Joey puts on a show at the pool! So while snuggling with my little nephew, Renee and I decided that we would try out the baby cocoon. Again. Baby JM didn't hate it at first but after a minute of it, well lets just say there was a lot of soothing after we snapped a few pictures. I would love to take an infant posing and photography class. Hopefully, one of the local photographers that I follow will put on a class soon. I would have a lot of fun with that! As for now, we got a cute one of my little nephew sucking on his fist which is his "thing." Now, write "Today is Sunday" or check out classes...?
Friday, August 20, 2010

Running late, as usual. We are leaving for DC tonight to visit our amazing family there. Except, I am stuck working tonight before I go which means getting a late start. However, I am still working on laundry and packing and putting clothes away and making sure Buddha has everything he needs to stay with Aunt Allie all weekend. I'm trying to edit last nights session and photoshop is playing serious tricks on me today! I'm trying to vacuum and dust and disinfect everything before I leave. WHY do I do this?! Why do I clean the house to leave the house? I mean, spit shine! Well, I wouldn't be so stressed about it if I could figure out how to get OFF of the computer and kick this day into high gear. Specifically, walk away from Photoshop. But I am working on something and every time I think I almost have it right, I've got it wrong. Until, NOW! I've been trying for about three days to figure out how to "sign" my photographs. Harder than I thought it would be. But finally, I have figured it out and I can get off of PS for the day! I scanned in an actual signature of mine and set it to a transparent background and boom! Here is one of my first signed photographs from the shoot last night. Mission: Complete!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Strength in Numbers

This evening I had the chance to photograph four girls, four friends. They were absolutely hilarious with all their inside jokes, took me back to high school with my best friends. As we walked from place to place throughout Hartwood Acres they carried on about boys, rivals, cheer-leading and sports. Except, these girls were different. These girls were happy but happy because they were alive, happy because they were free and happy because they were trying to be. They were really hurting. I could tell that from serious faces and dazed looks my lens picked up every once in a while. Not a moment passed where I saw every girl completely focused on the moment, there was something else looming. Every once in a while they would talk about "her" or "she." I knew who they were talking about because before the shoot I was informed that they wanted to honor a close friend that had passed away recently. They had bracelets and t shirts made to remember her, I was even fortunate enough to snag a bracelet at the end of the shoot. At this point something really, really struck a cord though. Just before I got in my car, the neighboring car's window rolled down. "Would you like a bracelet?" One of the girls from the shoot had her hand out the window, ready to hand me a bracelet, in honor of their friend. Bittersweet. I accepted. How I wish I could have taken the offer but given them their friend back! To lose a friend and at such a young age, I can't imagine. As I took the bracelet, I mentioned to them that even though I am so terribly sorry for their loss, I am so very happy for them. I am happy for them because they were the lucky ones to have a group of 5 strong and fearless friends. A group of friends like so doesn't come around too often and when it does, you just have to cherish it. Something I too am working on. Cherishing my relationships, especially the one I have with my oldest and dearest friend. (Yes, I am talking about you Ms. Perko.) Sometimes, I have to realize that the mountain of laundry can wait until tomorrow and the dishes can cool down in the dishwasher. I have to realize that relationships can come and go but the person that is always and has always been there for you, is the one that really, really matters. I might not be a group of FIVE friends, but I am a strong and fearless member of a fabulous Twosome. A twosome that I vow to never, ever take for granted. <3
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Pray, Love Eat
Pray. Love. Eat. I would say in that order! However, with the movie Eat, Pray Love coming to theaters and my favorite actress, Julia Roberts leading the way I am interested. I'm interested to know what it would be like to drop everything and go. Go to as many different places as I can and soak up the culture and food and scenery. Go and find new people with new stories. Go to taste new foods and smell "new" air. I would love it. Recently I read an article about the amount of food that Julia Roberts consumed while filming this movie and after reading that she would rave about the delicious food, I decided that I would find the recipes and try them out myself. So, last night was the first night of my One Week-One Meal plan. Since I work at night sometimes we don't often have the opportunity to have family dinners so I'm challenging myself to make a new meal every week. Last night I made Spaghetti alla Carbonera. Um, wait a minute. Did we leave our house and enter an amazing little restaurant in Italy or is this food fantastic? Nope, we're home and it is delish! Joey shoveled in two helpings and told me we should have this ALWAYS! With three different kinds of Italian cheese, really what could be better? I decided to use whole wheat pasta and add some summer squash for a veggie. I'm not bragging but move over Martha, Rachel Rae and Emeril Lagasse. I'm onto something here. So, on top of my 365 day photo blog I am also challenging myself to a weekly kitchen creation. Looks good so far, huh? What to have next week...?
Well, the times...

The times are changing! Season after season I have traveled past the old green houses on Bakerstown Road. I remember about 8 or 9 years ago there were the most amazing pink roses that were over growing the shattered glass. The unmaintained green houses seem to change more and more each year and every year I see something new growing out of them. I don't remember a time when the green houses were perfectly kept like I think they should be, but I do remember always seeing some sort of beautiful growth coming in. Yesterday, I was driving home and passed the green houses and for the first time I saw an incredible apple tree with big red apples. I am actually shocked that I've never noticed it before because it's obviously been growing for years. The trunk of this tree is inside of the green house, however the branches stretch outside of the glass and reach over top of it. It's funny that some place that I have seen probably about once a week since I was five has come to have such an appeal to me. Now, the green houses and the surrounding property are for sale and are subject to trespassing laws but I just have to get in there! I want to see what's inside the one in the very middle. I just imagine that there are more apple trees and rose bushes and I think it's probably safe to say there are old tools and old gardening gloves left behind. It just seems so wonderfully mysterious to me. It's really amazing to see how much my area has changed over the years and not just the green houses. So, before I was arrested or fined for trespassing, I snapped a few pictures and sped away.
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's getting HOT in here...
We have had our Air Conditioning fixed FOUR times this summer. Time after time, we fall short of just getting a new one and decide that this will be the LAST attempt to fix it. Let me just tell you, when we turned it on yesterday it made this noise unlike anything I have ever heard. This piercing, screeching miserable sound. So loud too! So, it's been off for 24 hours. It's miserably hot and apparently our MAJOR problem isn't really uncommon or really that MAJOR! So, we are on a waiting list for an appointment for someone to come take a look at it. While we wait, we are sweating and grouchy. However, we aren't covered in hair/fur like the littlest Krieg. The four-legged Krieg is probably the sweatiest but far from the grouchiest. He's panting like crazy, ice cube anyone? So, today we set up fans which he quickly got the hang of! He has been hanging out sitting right in front of one and loving it. Think of a dog hanging out the window, wind in his hair but in the comfort of his own home! Too cute! However, while I am complaining about being so hot I look at Buddha wearing a fur coat and still really just a little baby and realize I've got it easy! This quickly reminds me that no matter how grouchy and sweaty I am, someone always has it way worse than I do. This made an easy lesson for Joey(and myself) that we really do live in an amazing country. I started thinking about the children and families that live in Africa and how incredibly hot it is and they don't even have fans. I thought about people who live on the streets in Boston and in PA and they live through freezing winters and don't have winter jackets or warm beds. I thought about the animals that don't have a meal to eat and search for scraps. Then, I thought about how grateful I am to be me. Rough as life can get, it can always get harder. I would really love to take my photography to a different level. I would love to use it to bring a bit of attention to those people, families and animals. Especially in Africa and even right here in our country..I think about the children that need a home and need a family.... All of this from no a/c in my house. I know, I know. Bleeding heart. But, really. Someday, that's what I would love to do. At any rate, Here is Buddha. Braving the heat like a champ!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
It's here!!!

It's here!!! This week, that is! It's the week that we leave for D.C to FINALLY get in some loving on our nephew! I can't wait! For so many reasons! I can't wait to snuggle him and make up for all the play time we have missed! I can't wait to take pictures of him, times a million! I can't wait to see Renee and John Michael with their babylove! The last time we saw baby John Michael was on his 1 week birthday and we are LONG overdue! Today's picture is from his 1 week birthday and I think it is going to be a little bit bittersweet seeing how much bigger he has gotten! I am going to take the baby cocoon this weekend and see if we can get the hang of it... Here's hoping we can and that we have awesome pictures of my sweet baby nephew soon!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The Road ahead
Friday, August 13, 2010
Big Shot
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Plans? What plans?
So today, I certainly must have had God laughing. I had a day with big plans. From morning to night, it was planned to a T. However, none of the plans worked out. Not even the fun ones like shooting baby turkey's at Pounds Farm. Shooting them with a camera! Such a bummer, Joey and I were both looking forward to it. Hopefully, we can work that one in another time! Sometimes when I do have plans and then they don't work out for one reason or another, it just reassures me that there is a higher power. There is a God. There is a reason that I didn't do all of "my plans" today. So here is a picture of my favorite place in the world, Corolla, North Carolina. I love this picture of the Corolla Chapel and think that even though today was crazy, there was a reason for it.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

This morning our newest family member has found his voice. In a big way! He must think he is a pitbull or something ferocious. Sorry Buddha, no one is afraid of a Golden Doodle! He barks at bugs, squirrels and at the back door. I think he might actually be barking at his reflection. Which is even more hilarious then when he barks so hard he falls down! However, he did take the time to sit nicely and have his picture taken. Thank Goodness he lets me mess with him so much because his pictures are always so stinking cute! He has those big puppy eyes that get him countless treats even when he comes inside and hasn't...well, uh. You know. He just wants to snuggle up and take a nap or lick your face off. :) Enjoy my little love, cheering for his favorite team!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I had such an amazing day today. I had the opportunity to photograph a friend of mine and his 4 year old daughter. The best part was that my "assistant" for the afternoon was Joey! He was awesome! He even helped me out by telling Lily to look for the monkey and giraffe that pop out of my camera! Luke and Lily were so much fun to photograph. They are such a sassy father-daughter duo. They both think that they are the boss, which made for a hilarious shoot. I'd say, Lily is the boss. So today's picture is of Lily. I feel like it really captures the little chick. She talks like a grown-up but wants to be treated like a little Princess! Check her out!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Grandpa's girl

Tonight, I was working my "job." The one that pays my bills, for now. I am always hoping that this will be the week that I can hang up my apron strings for good. However, tonight I waited on my Aunt Karen, Uncle Jack and my cousin and his wife and beautiful son. I mentioned to my Aunt that I would be shooting a wedding this weekend. She was happy for me and said, "following in your Grandpa's footsteps." It was a little thing she said, but I doubt she realized how much it meant to me. If I can be even a little bit like him, I am happy. I have made it. As any reader of my blog would know, being like my Grandfather or Grandmother is my ultimate goal. Family first, everything else comes second. So, tonight my picture is of a birdhouse that my Grandpa made with my little sister years ago. It now hangs in my backyard and the "locals" have made a nest in it. At first, I was a little upset about the little home they made because that bird house was mine. It was mine to put seed in for them, not theirs to build a home in! Then, I remembered. Family first, everything else comes second. These birds were just building a home for their family. Something that we can all appreciate. So, I decided pictures of the bird house were in order. Just in case I can't take it with me someday, I will have the pictures.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Double time

Today's blog, today's actual blog that was meant for today is of the most beautiful child I have ever met. He's sassy and bold one minute and sweet and loving the next. He is blonde with greenish-brown eyes. He's a hockey fanatic and an all around sports-aholic. But, he's perfect. Well, doesn't every Mom think that their child is perfect? :) Here is my Joey (who I am sure will be at the focus of many of these photos). I took these pictures on his "last day of being 5." Which we celebrate just like we celebrate the first day of a new age. Here is my little lovie!
Wow, slacking already. I missed yesterday. I wish I could say that there was some good excuse but, I took a nap. I did hours of yoga. I had a cocktail at noon. I went to a pool party. I did a lot of things but I did not upload a picture or write a blog. So, I guess it goes without saying that I have to double up today. What should have been my picture yesterday-Sunset Sound. I took this photograph of one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. It was an orange glow and my camera captured both the orange of the sky and the bright green of the southern grass. I think this is one of those pictures that I will have blown up and put on my wall. Not only because I love the colors but because it is taken at my favorite place on the East Coast. Enjoy!
Friday, August 6, 2010

For me, the best thing about being a photographer is the feeling I get when I capture a moment or stage of life that someone wants to have printed, blown up, framed and hang on the wall of their home. Recently, my wonderful friends Kelly and Brian had a baby boy who is just the sweetest little guy! He's a total snuggle bum and looks just like his Daddy. Except for his eyes, those are definitely Mama's. So, I have been taking advantage of being so close to this little guy and sneaking pictures whenever I possibly can! Here's a favorite of mine from this week. There is something so amazing about baby feet to me. I love the super soft baby skin on the bottom of the feet and the tiny little toes are just uber cute! So, often times I like to concentrate on little tootsies! So, without further adieu, Elijah Kingston!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Photo Contest

So, I decided to go at this wholeheartedly and do "big" things. Picture number TWO is one that I have submitted into an Animal Behavior photo contest for North Carolina's Wildlife. You can check out the contest here . It's all photographs taken in North Carolina. This is one of my favorite pictures of a little blue crab that my family caught while in the Outer Banks this year. Feisty little crab too! I love this picture because it looks like the crab is deciding if it is going to make the "jump" off of the dock and back into the Sound below, about a 20 foot fall! He eventually did it, he must have heard us talking about making dinner out of him! Here's hoping this little crab's picture gets rewarded, after all he did make the plunge into the sound!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Grandfather was a man with more jokes, tricks and wisdom than any man I have ever met. He was a husband to my gorgeous and amazing Grandmother, a father to my also gorgeous and amazing Mother and to her 4 sisters. He was a very comfy lap to sit on and smelled like saw dust because usually, just as we were getting to our Grandparents house (and to get there, you actually had to go over the river and through the woods...) he was coming up from his wood working shop. He almost always was sneaking chocolate and trying to hide it from my Grandma. He had an electronic thesaurus and a crossword on the table next to his over sized lazy boy, almost always. He had cozy sweaters and maraschino cherries in his refrigerator. But most of all, he had a heart of gold, just like my Grandma's heart and all five of their daughters. My grandfather used to photograph weddings. Now, I do that. My grandfather used to write. Now, I am trying to finish the book that he started writing. He used to make incredible grandfather clocks out of wood and hope chests that you couldn't afford to buy at the store because they are made to such quality. I think, My grandpa is where I get my overflowing creative juices. Sometimes, too many at once! But mostly, who I am comes from the family that I have behind me at all times. My family is a rare treasure to so many people in this busy world. Something, that I will never, ever take for granted. So, for my first picture post... My family. And this isn't even all of us!
Ready, set, blog!
Well, here goes nothing! 365 days. 365 pictures. 365 blog posts. That's my goal. I've absolutely loved Photography my entire life. I've always been the girl that took too many pictures. I've always been the girl that takes the picture that no one wanted to pose for but everyone was happy they had later. Mostly, I've always loved taking the picture, editing it however I saw fit and hanging it on the wall. Better yet, seeing someone else hang it on their wall. So, here I go. Me and my Canon Rebel XS and a variety of lenses. Now...who wants their picture taken?! Starting in about an hour (which already sounds like a procrastination in progress) I will upload picture number one. Who's excited?! Me!
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