Tradition in our family means hiking into the mountains of a tree farm and picking out and cutting down the perfect tree. This isn't a quick trip, you plan a day around it. With my Gorgeous Momma we end up hiking half of PA to find the perfect tree. Seriously. I remember when I was a kid I thought this took days. I mean, she would find this tree that was "good." She would mark it with one of her gloves and with one warm hand she would set off to find a "great" tree. Once she found a "great" tree she would mark that and set off with two cold hands and search of the PERFECT tree. Sometimes, she would find the perfect tree. Other times, she would circle back to the Good tree, pick up her glove and then make her way back to the Great tree and claim it was perfect all along. {Sorry Momma, but you know it is true!} I remember her saying that the tree was crooked or had too many bare spots. However, as I've gotten older I've noticed that it doesn't seem to take as long. It doesn't feel as painful. In fact, it doesn't even hurt a little bit. It feels great. I look forward to spending an afternoon with my Mom and family and heading out in search of the perfect tree. I love bringing it home and putting it up. Spending the night with Christmas carols on and staying up late decorating it to perfection. In fact, it's my favorite tradition. I am SO happy that this is also a tradition that Joey enjoys too. This year, even Buddha got into it! :) So, here is a picture of the little family in front of our tree before we cut it down and all the steps in between it's completion!
Love this green eyed boy.
Momma, Thanks for being you and for providing us all with awesome family traditions and making sure that they are carried out every year... I love you.